Note that this report is being written in early 2025, due to poor health in early 2024. For this reason, it’s a much briefer summary than our other annual reports.


  • Heather featured on two podcasts: Finding Justice and Meaning in the In Between and Down to Earth Conversations;
  • Heather met with members of Woolworths’ sustainable sourcing team to talk about slave free supply chains in their own brand products;
  • Just Kai had tables at both the Devonport Ethical Christmas Market and the St John the Baptist Christmas Market in Northcote;
  • together with Hagar we ran a Modern Slavery information evening;
  • we spoke at Devonport Rotary.


As well as our regular Christmas and Easter recommendations we published:

Income and expenditure

In 2023 we received $5173.68 in donations, as well as around $120 in interest. We spent a total of $1585 and carried over $4175.73 into 2024.