Did you know that Trade Aid sells wholesale as well as retail? If you have a food business and want to make sure your supply chain is free of child and slave labour, contact them and see if they have what you need :-) You’ll be joining over 2300 Kiwi businesses who use Trade Aid products either in their staff tea rooms or in the goods they sell. Everything from Trade Aid is certified through the World Fair Trade Organisation.
Esther Lewis is one of their new trade customers this year. She’s got a business selling sauerkraut, jam and almond butter. Both the sugar and the chocolate that goes into her chocolate almond butter come from Trade Aid.

Esthers currently stocks orange marmalade and feijoa and lime marmalade, both made with fair trade sugar, and chocolate almond butter made with fair trade chocolate. Yum!

You can buy Esthers products online or from People’s Coffee outlets in Wellington.