Just Kai’s had a productive December, with reasonable take-up of our Christmas resources. We had over 600 page views of our Christmas summary post (1/3 of those being people coming back to look again); 138 views of our meal post and 177 of chocolate gifts (again, with many of those being people coming back for a second a look). Thank you to everyone who shared these! Grace has also got our Instagram page going and we now have 28 followers there, plus this week we hit 500 followers on Facebook. It feels like the word is slowly getting out and more people are making use of our resources in their shopping :-)
The Christmas market at the beginning of December also seemed to go well, with over 200 people taking away copies of our key summary recommendations and many in-depth conversations with interested people. I was also interviewed by Stuff prior to Christmas, leading to an article in their business section: The nasty surprise hidden in your fish this Christmas. As a result one of the organisations that certifies fish farms got in touch and wants to meet with me in the new year to talk about their certifications. Whilst we currently don’t consider their main certification ‘good enough’ to demonstrate products are slave free, I’m really looking forward to chatting with him. I’m always keen to better understand how the industry works, what makes change possible, what the barriers are, why particular judgement calls have been made etc.
I’m planning on taking most of January ‘off’; I’m really tired after a busy few months. Christine will be continuing to work on an index that covers all of Just Kai’s recommendations, as well as working on a cocoa guide (in a similar style to our other shopping guides). Grace will be continuing to work on our Instagram account.
--Heather and the team :-)