On July 28th Heather spoke about her work with Just Kai at Ponsonby Baptist as part of their “Baptists Doing Research” series.
She received a wonderful welcome! In particular, one of the members of the congregation wrote a song about how to buy slave-free food that a group sung before she spoke! Unfortunately we don’t have a recording of that, but here’s the sheet music:

Why do we buy our fish from Sealord?
Why do we buy cocoa grown in Samoa?
Why do we look for Bonsucro certification?
Because they do not use child labour
Because those products are slave free!
Kyrie Eleison, Christe Eleison, Lord hear our prayer.
We give thanks for Heather Roberts and her research
And we won’t forget Brunswick sardines!
Kyrie Eleison, Christe Eleison, Lord hear our prayer.

There was lots of engagement with the congregation both before and after the talk - the whole event was really encouraging. Thank you Ponsonby Baptist :-)